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Summer  2022 Miller, the second time.  Teanaway Country 100 I started to run again in the middle of June.  I needed a goal to keep myself active so I signed up for the Teanaway Country 100.  I thought there was a possibility I could do better than last year when I finished in just under 28 hours.   Throughout the summer I often ran a hill repeat out the front door of my house.   I made a shift to cut down on fuel and time expended during travel to the Southeast Olympic range.  I drove to my usual mountain trails once or twice a week, and doubled my efforts to make the most of resources.  I didn't branch out and spent time running repeats of  Mt Elinor from Big creek campground.  I also did the same on Mt. Rose.  Two summits of Elinor are equal to 25 miles/10,000' elevation gain & loss.  Two on Mt. Rose is 12 miles/7000'.  Trail surface is technical at the tops of both routes but not equal to the percentage of hard...

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Teanaway Country 100

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